#1 Skin Care Secret: Beautiful Skin Begins Within

I have started some early Spring cleaning in my life; clearing all that which no longer serves me in a positive way. It feels good to clear the way to allow more positive energy. It has become a focus to follow some life long dreams. I am following dreams that I have told myself may be impossible to obtain, but anything is possible in life.  We can make all our dreams a reality, I am doing so by setting clear boundaries and a determined direction, finding balance, and prioritizing my time.

You may be asking what does all this have to do with skin care or health. For many years, I believed the health of our skin came from treating the surface by cleansing, exfoliating and creams. I came to realize the importance of caring for our health, body and skin by the foods and liquids we consume. Yes, exterior and interior components play an integral part in maintaining a health balance. However, I have learned there is much importance in finding peace within the mind and heart,  which will translate to clearer and more vibrant complexion. Any expert will tell you that stress, depression and unhappiness are health killers and they have damaging effects which can be exhibited in our skin. These harmful effects may manifest as eczema, itchy or dry skin, acne, fine lines, wrinkles, or many other variety of skin ailments. In short, what is happening within us will eventually show itself on our surface.

It has been an exciting journey and  I am grateful to be surrounded by some of the best people and my positive circle is only growing. In short, the number one skin care secret that I can share is beauty and health begin within. I am learning to find my own inner beauty by choosing love over fear, and learning happiness is a choice to be made each day.  I am becoming more aware of negative self-talk by accepting myself completely, and allowing self-love to be so divine and strong that it can't help but be exteriorly exuded. This kind of health and beauty only comes from tackling our fears and living a life of gratitude and love. Once we can love and accept ourselves and find true inner peace without judgment, we will begin to treat others in kind, and attract these kind of people into our lives. The simple law of attraction starts within, just as true beauty and health starts within ourselves as well.

This year, two of my resolutions are to act as a sponge soaking up as much knowledge as possible, and form many new connections with those who are inspiring and share similar beliefs. Thank you for your comments, sharing my blogs and your emails and messages. The best feeling in the world is being of services to others in positive way.